Tag Archives: sewing jersey fabric

Sewing with Knits Sunday Workshop

I ran this workshop for the first time yesterday and here’s the brilliant results!

Despite having a choice of 2 skirts, a dress and a top to make, everyone plumped for the frock!  Maybe it was the sunshine and holiday anticipation.

So many of the clothes we wear today are made from knitted jersey fabrics that it’s not surprising so many of my students want to use this fabric.  However, as my 4 students yesterday found out it presents a few challenges, but that’s why a whole day devoted to it was a good idea!

No doubt I’ll be running this workshop again in the future, maybe with some long sleeved, more autumnal styles on offer…

Here’s what some of yesterday’s students thought of the workshop:

“Great time all round, fab project.”
“Excellent day and company.  Learned loads.”
What did you enjoy most about the day?
“Getting to go home with a new item of clothing, feeling industrious.”

Thanks to my 4 lovely students for making it an enjoyable day for me too!